Đorđe Kuljić

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Th is paper analysis the ways of endanger internal security of European union, in the context of the modern migration-refugee crisis. In the beginning, it is pointed on the development of the system of the internal security EU. Aft er several documents in the period 1990-2010, where the topic of the internal security set on the institutional level, the main document in this fi eld has been adopted in 2010 as Strategy of internal security EU. Th e main conclude is that, beside all other security risks in the context of migrant-refugee crisis, terrorism is the biggest security risk for states and citizens of the EU. Th ere is several reasons for arrise of terrorism, but this analysis consider problems in integration migrants and refugees in west countries, such as France and Germany, as very important in understanding terrorist attacks in the period 2015-2016, when more than 100 people has been killed. Problems in integration mainly is refer on the obstacles in the mutual acception and adaption both migrants and refugees and inhabitants of the countries where they want to live. Fact that migrants and refugees are mainly Muslims, is one of the key reasons why they have diffi culties to acquire confi dence of the domicile population. Also, beside problems in integration, it is important to mention participation west european countries in military interventions in countries in the Middle East, from where the most migrants and refugees are coming. Combination of this two factors makes migrant-refugee crisis 2015-2016 one of the most serious security risks for the European union aft er World War II.