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The Roma people are at the bottom of social scale in terms of educational status, because they have a largest number of illiterate people and worst structure of educational classifications (the largest number of people with insufficient primary education and smallest number of people with secondary or high education). The Roma’s extremely unfavorable educational structure is one of most important causes of their non-integration into society and it also has impact on preservation and deepening of economic and socio-cultural gap between the Roma and other peopulation. Without education as one of most significant factors in attempts to improve living conditions and change material status, the Roma are not ready for modern way of production and are supressed to the margins of social division of labor and this fact has actually determined not only their current position but also future one. Being members of a poorest layer in society, the Roma are not in position to provide education to themselves and due to the fact that they are not educated they are excluded from economic and social life which inavoidably puts them into a cycle of misery and poverty.

Although the protection of human and minority rights of Roma is regulated, directly or indirectly, in many international documents, the general standpoint is that it is primarily a European problem and that the stability and security of the whole region largely depends on its solutions. Furthermore, minority protection does not only understand prohibition of discrimination, but also the creation of conditions for promoting position and guaranteeing rights to members of the Roma national minority in maintaining their ethnic traits and national identity. Serbia adopted the Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma in the Republic of Serbia for the period 2016-2025, and education is the most important for improving the economic position, social mobility and full integration of Roma in all spheres of social life.

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