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Текст објашњава позицију и значај социо-структурне парадиг­ме у савременој политичкој науци. Полази се од инерпретације класичне теорије социјалних расцепа, да би се онда кроз објашњења критике и иновација показале основни екпланаторни капацитети парадигме, али и њени највећи недостаци. Посебна пажња даје се савременој интерпретацији културно-вредносних и социо-економских расцепа и њиховој све већој испреплетаности и међусобном оснаживању у савременим друштвима.

кључне речи:


    1. Allardt, Erik (2001) „Party Systems and Voter Alignments in the tradition of political sociology“ у: Karvonen, Lauri; Kuhnle, Stein (ур.), „Party System and Voter Alignments Revisited“, London, New York: Routlegde. стр. 10-23.
    2. Bartolini, Stefano & Mair, Peter (1990) Identity, Competition, and Electoral Availability: The Stability of European Electorates, 1885-1985., Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    3. Bartolini, Stefano (2000), The class sleavage the Political mobilisation of European left 1860-1980, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    4. Bornschier, Simon (2010) Cleavage politics and the populist right, Philadeplhia: Temple university press.
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    6. Gallagher Michael, Laver Michael & Mair Peter (2005) Representative Go­vernment in Modern Europe, Fourth edition, New York: Mc Graw Hill.
    7. Dalton, J. Russell (1996) „Political Cleavages, Issues, and Electoral Change“, у: LeDuc Lawrence, Niemi Richard & Norris Pippa (ур.) „Comparing Democ­racies Election and Voting in Global Perspective“, Thousand Oaks, London, New Delhi: Sage Publications. стр. 319-342.
    8. Dalton, J. Russell (2002) Citizens Politics Public Opinion and Political Par­ties in Advanced Industrial Democracies, New York, London: Chatham House Publishers of Seven Bridges Press, LLC.
    9. Dalton, J. Russell (2008), Citizens Politics Public Opinion and Political Par­ties in Advanced Industrial Democracies (fifth edition), Washington: CQ Press.
    10. Deegan-Krause, Kevin (2007) „New Dimensions of Political Cleavage“ у: Dalton & Klingemann (ур.) „The Oxford Handbook of Political Behaviour“, Oxford: Oxford University Press. стр. 538-336.
    11. Inglehart, Ronald (1990 a) „The Nature of Value Change“, у: Peter Mair (yp.) „West European Party System“, Oxford: Oxford University стр.247-253.
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    14. Kitschelt, Herbert (1995) „The Formation of Party Cleavages in Post-commu­nist Democracies“, Party Politics 1 (4). стр. 447-472.
    15. Kitschelt, Herbert (1994) „Party Systems in East Central Europe: Consolida­tion or Fluidity“, рад презентован на годишњој конференции American Po­litical Science Association, September 14, New York
    16. Kitschelt, Herbert (1999) „Class Structure and Social Democratic Party Stra­tegy“ у: British Journal of Political Science, 23, No. 3, Cambridge: Cam­bridge University Press. стр. 57-111.
    17. Knutsen, Oddbjorn (2001) „Social Class, Sector Employment, and Gender as Party Cleavages in the Scandinavian Countries: A Comparative Longitudinal Study 1970-95“ у: Scandinavian Political Studies, 24, No. 4, Nordic Poli­tical Science Association. стр. 311-350.
    18. Knutsen, Oddbjorn (2004) Social Structure and Party Choice in Western Europe, London, New York: Palgrave MacMillan.
    19. Komšić Jovan, Pantić Dragomir & Slavujević Zoran (2003) Osnovne linije partijskih podela i mogući pravci političkog pregrupisavanja у Srbiji, Beo­grad: Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Institut društvenih nauka.
    20. Kriesi, Hanspeter (2010) „Restructuration of Partisan Politics and the Emer­gence of a New Cleavage Based on Values“ у West European Politics, 33, No. 3, Routledge. стр. 673-685.
    21. Lazić, Mladen (2011), Čekajući kapitalizam, Beograd: Službeni glasnik.
    22. Lipset, Martin Seymour & Rokkan ,Stein (1990) „Cleavage Structures, Party System, And Voter Alignments“ у: Peter Mair (ур.) West European Party Sys­tems, Oxford University Press, Oxford. стр. 91-138.
    23. Lipset, Martin Seymour & Rokkan ,Stein (1967) „Cleavage Structures, Party System, And Voter Alignments: an Introduction“ у: Lipset & Rokkan (ур.) „Party systems and Voter Alignment: Cross-national perspective“, New York: The Free Press, London: Collier – Macmillan стр. 1-64.
    24. Marks Gary & Wilson Carole, (2000) „The Past in the Present: A Cleavage Theory of Party Response to European Integration“ у: British Journal for Poli­tical Science 30, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. стр: 433-459.
    25. Mitchell Paul, (1995) „Party competition in an ethnic dual party system“ у: Ethnic and Racial Studies 18, Issue 4, Taylor and Francis Group. стр: 773-796.
    26. Oesch, Daniel (2008) „The changing shape of class voting“ у: European Soci­eties, 10:3, стр: 329-355.
    27. Parsons, Craig (2007) How to Map Arguments in Political Science, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    28. Sartori, Giovanni (1990) The Sociology of Parties: A Critical Review, у: Mair, P. (ур.) „The West European Party System“, Oxford: Oxford University Press. стр. 150-184.
    29. Sassi, Sinikka (1996) „The network and the fragmentation of the public sphe­re“ у: The electronic Journal of Communication, 6, No. 2, Communica­tion Institute for Online scholarship. Доступно на: http://www.cios.org/EJCPUBLIC/006/2/006210.HTML (приступљено 10.2015.).
    30. Stubager, Rune (2010) „The Development of the Education Cleavage: Den­mark as a Critical Case“ у: West European Politics, 33: 3, London: Rоutlegde. стр: 505-533.
    31. Henjak, Andrija (2009) Socioeconomic change, changing political cleavages, and the emergence of new parties, докторска дисертација, Department of Political Science Central European University, January 2009.
    32. Henjak, Andrija (2010) „Political Cleavages and Socio-economic Context: How Welfare Regimes and Historical Divisions Shape Political Cleavages“ у: West European Politics, 33, No. 3, Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group. стр: 474-504.
    33. Cusack Thomas, Iveresen Torben & Rehm Phillip, (2006) „Risks at work: the demand and supply sides of government redistribution“ у: Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 22, No.3, Oxford: Oxford university press. стр: 365-­389.


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