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This paper aims to prove how revisionism of the traditional just war theory introduces a new generation of war. These new revisionist wars are actually theoretical and propaganda wars against the possibility of war and thus sovereignty of states. They criminalize the conflict, transforming it into global police action of large powers with mighty propaganda machineries and international influence against “criminal” smaller states which theoretically lose their right of self-defense. We offer an abundance of reasons why revisionism that postulates moral asymmetry of combatants is false and ill-founded, and analyze its implications on wars. By analyzing new conflicts from the perspective of revisionism, we prove that these conflicts lack the necessary elements and attributes of war, and that they cannot be defined as such. Finally, we express our belief that revisionism of the just war theory is an elaborate attempt to negate the possibility of war for sovereign countries, thus negating its freedom and an attempt to theoretically justify violent modes of globalization and neo-imperialism.

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периодика Српска политичка мисао 1/2019 1/2019 UDK 355.01 227-240