Тема броја
Since the appearing in the bourgeois society, political parties have been the basic institutional intermediary between the will of citizens and representative institutions of representative democracy. Considering the fact that political parties have appeared together with national state, and that these were “made simultaneously with elections and parliamentary procedures” (M. Duverger), the question is if in “the global age” (Giddens) the necessity for political parties to perform the function of political representation stops. Regarding the Europe, organizational, political and other adaptations of political parties are not comparable with measure of moving the field of making political decisions from national states to Euro-institutions, еven in the case of establishing so-called European parties. The similar situation is with global institutions, like the OUN. On the other hand, the influence of nongovernmental organizations within national states pretending to represent political subjects strengthens even more, regardless the absence of legitimacy from the citizens and often without the internal election legitimacy within themselves. Their international connecting, involvement in UN and EU bodies, influence to public opinion, pressure for making different state decisions give them political strength and influence that even political parties do not have. On their side, political parties are burdened with problems of political corruption, loss of ideological identity, “concern for votes”, which force them additionally into nonprinciple coalitions for gaining power. All this additionally compromise them in the eyes of citizens on whose support they rely and whose interests they should represent. All this lead us to the question if political parties live their last days and if we can imagine democratic institutions that will not be based on party political representation?
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