Zsuzsanna Fejes

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Faculty of Law, University of Szeged


The European Territorial Cohesion – with Special Focus on Serbia

The European Territorial Cooperation forms fulfil an increasingly significant role along the internal and external border of the European Union, and during the process of sub-national integration these models gain more and more importance concerning the development policy, the cohesion policy and the neighbourhood policy of the European Union. In this study I analyse the position and opportunities of Serbia on how to join the European cohesion process. The development and strengthening of the competencies of the local and regional authorities, especially in external relations, started only recently with the process of European integration and the evolution of the regions. For the sake of the proper contents and the effectiveness of national and crossborder cooperation schemes, the cooperation between institutions and local municipalities need to be strengthened both at local, regional, Euro-regional and international levels, also including the extension of the partner contacts ranging from settlements up to regions. I focus on the European Danube Region Strategy from the aspect of Serbia’s contribution. In terms of institutional development the creation of a Danube macro-region calls for partnership and high level of cooperation on behalf of participants and stakeholders that stems from the acceptance and practical adaptation of the principles of multi-level governance and good local governance.