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The relationship between totalitarian propaganda and new media
testifies to the double bond between technology and social rule and
technosphere and total control.
Speaking about the new totalitarianism, the emphasis is not
placed in the way of political rule “the people”, rather than a radical
change of the system of power over life of individual and mass.
An important role in shaping of the media is based on the logic of
universal transmedial irrational rationality order because neoliberal
capitalism has no center and visible entities total economic powers
that are invisible in complete transparency as a real illusion of new
media. The task of a mass media is neutralize lived, unique, of event
and character of the world and in its place set up a complex universe
of media which are homogeneous to one another as such , pointing at
each other. They become reciprocal content to each other and that is
totalitarian “message” consumer society.
Instead means of information and communication medial reality
becomes a means or purpose of social cultural survival and hyper
accumulating capital. Totalitarianism is ideological – political term that
encompasses all sectors of life and overall has complete control. Total
supervision or control is synonymous with capitalist globalization.
Totalitarianism sources of information are focused to provide
solutions to the formula suggested by the audience. The entirety of
information presented shall be made public if the narrative about the
lack of choice or no alternative, apparent manipulation brought to
grotesque degree. To a large extent, the present abuses of emotions
as critical awareness replace emotional impulses clearing the way for
the unconscious. Through the media increasingly overcome growing
manipulation of consciousness, as a means of absolute control and
power with a vast amount of “professional” guided mass and narrow
elitist minority that decides everything.
In a totalitarian view of the state, culture becomes an ideological
means or purpose of governing the masses based media constructions
of reality and shaping the man as a “lonely crowd” with the ultimate
goal of creating a “new world totalitarian order”.

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PERIODICS Srpska politička misao 2/2018 2/2018 УДК 321.64 45-63