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Serbian Public Administration Reform in the Light of the European Administrative Space Principles


European integration process influences to the harmonization of different areas of law. The concept of the European Administrative Space in the European Union has been developing for the last thirty years. It includes the set of minimum common principles and standards governing the organization, activities and functioning of administrative bodies in the Member States and potential candidates as well. This includes significant changes and administrative reform in the process of Serbia’s membership negotiations. Serbian administrative capacities have to be in compliance with the standards of the European Administrative Space with purpose that in the future Serbia or its administration can successfully implement the regulations adopted by the Union. The process of administrative reform in Serbia is carrying out for ten years. In different cycles this process was faster or slower. Comparative analysis of the European administrative space standards and the process of administrative reform in Serbia indicate that Serbia, perhaps not fast enough, is increasingly adapting to these standards.

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PERIODICS Serbian Political Thought 2/2014eng 2/2014 UDC 35.071+342.9(497.11:4-672EU) 105-131