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When defining the concept of sustainable development The Government of the Republic of Serbia accepted the narrowest possible interpretation of its social dimension, so it was not possible to think more seriously about the political vectors that influence the direction of development. Therefore, in a certain circumstancies, not only economic growth is called into question, but also the national security or the security of some social groups and individuals. Non-independence in political decisions and determinations has its price and causes concrete consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to change the approach in defining sustainable development and projecting one’s own goals in accordance with multi-vector foreign policy aspirations, in order to reduce the potential consequences and make the sustainability of long-term development more realistic. The work consists of four parts. The introductory part is dedicated to the consideration of the concept of development and the critique of linking the development paradigm to exclusively economic growth. The second part explains the concept of sustainable development and its social dimension. The National Strategy for Sustainable Development of the Republic of Serbia is analyzed in the third part, with a critical review of non-compliance with other strategic documents. The fourth part is the concluding considerations.

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PERIODICS The Policy of National Security 1/2021 1/2021 UDC: 502.131.1:316.334.5(497.11) 167-179