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Pentecostalism as a Form of Protest Movement Against Economic Decline and Tyranny: The Case of Celebration Church in Zimbabwe


In the last decade, citizens of Zimbabwe experienced the worst economic and political crisis of all time, which resulted in the total collapse of the economy. This study sought to examine the role of religion during this period of economic and political turmoil. Contemporary research and sociological analysis, focused on Pentecostalism in Zimbabwe, often shows Pentecostalism as a quintessentially popular religion that addresses existential problems and offers protection and security to the suffering. In order to contribute to this discourse, an empirical study was conducted amongst the believers of the Celebration Church in Zimbabwe. The data obtained showed Pentecostalism as a form of protest movement against economic and political turmoil.

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PERIODICS Serbian Political Thought 1/2012eng 1/2012 UDC 32(689.1) 25-47