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The Balkans is a specific European region primarily because of its ethno-civilizational heterogeneity and geopolitical importance. In this context, it is often considered a “subcontinent” whose differentia specifica is instability and conflict. Both the cause and effect of such status are fault lines, as S. Huntington calls them. They stem from the “Balkan sub-order” that changes after major regional, European and World wars. That created not only the external but also internal borders, both in the monarchist and Titoist Yugoslav states. Their “inadequacy” is the result of not applying the ethnic principle as the basic principle of demarcation, which should apply only to constituent peoples. The destabilizing and conflicting nature of the borders of former Yugoslav republics became evident when, during the breakup of Yugoslavia, they were transformed into interstate borders, with emphasized fragmentational, barrieral and centrifugal features. There are numerous and obvious examples of the selective choosing of demarcation principles, catastrophic consequences of the intersection of ethnic spaces, and the impacts of inadequate borders on provoking war conflicts. The recent dysfunctionality of the post-Yugoslav part of the Balkans is also a consequence of the imposition of inadequate boundaries based on the decision of the Badinter Commission. Therefore, a revision of the division of the post-Yugoslav space and newly formed borders is necessary. It would be carried out in accordance with the ethnic principle as a basic, proprietary-historical principle as additional, and with the use of numerous corrective principles in the final delimitation and demarcation. The formation of new, consequential borders would be a precondition for a more lasting stabilization of the Balkans.

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